Tag: wars

Fratesi vs Gambino

Synite and Raven meet in the back of the Gambino Owned Bar in New Jersey to discuss a solution to the ongoing Mob War. “When you sign here, all of the remaining Cartel will convert to Gambino.” Raven remarks with a greedy little smile. Synite, seeing no other option signs the paper. Raven then dismisses Synite and leans back in his leather chair to enjoy a Cuban Cigar. Minutes later Bugsy, his Under Boss, comes in and says,”Mickie’s on the phone Boss.” Raven’s calm statute died out when he heard who was on the other line. “Raven, why,” Mickie says in a to calm voice, “Mickie I was defending Al just like you would have.” Raven replies for his life.


“Raven, now we must engage in combat”


“I’m keeping a promise to James Burke that I wouldn’t fight either of you.”


“Then it appears you will die, with out fighting, So be it.”


Mickie was truly the last person to hear of the War that brought the Commission to it’s knees, because he was in The Old Country visiting his dying mother, and he gave the order not to be called under any circumstances… Raven went into a panic mode. He packed his things and boarded the next flight to New York City. At his home in Long Island’s East Egg, he found Pazzo waiting inside for him. “You gotta get out of here Pazzo, Mickie found out what we did and he is coming to fight me.” Raven says, still in a state of horror. Pazzo puts his hand on his shoulder, shaking him, “You need to calm down, if you just fight back, you might just have a chance to kill him, but if you just sit here or run away you’ll never win.” Pazzo then briskly walks away exiting the house giving his boss some time to reflect about his next move. Then Raven’s phone rings,”Raven let’s get this over with, tell me where to go.” It was Mickie on the line! “Well Mickie I say we go to the construction site on West 23rd St.” There’s a bit of a pause and then Mickie says, “don’t be late to your own funeral.”


Raven loads his army of bodyguards into unmarked black Cadillacs and heads to the site. When he gets there he sees Mickie, Tommy Gun in hand, behind him was an army of bigger and better bodyguards. Raven says a slight prayer at the site of his enemy. Raven and his protection pull up and take position aimed straight at Mickie. Just as the battle looked as if it were to start Mickie gives the order for his guys to go home. “Raven let’s do this, man to man.” Raven does the same to his men. Now the two stood there breathing in the cool air filled with tension, worse than the pollution filled city. Just then Mickie started to unload with his Tommy Gun. On instinct, Raven also shoots, they both make their way to cover. The bullets stop, Mickie makes a run for the for the stairway leading to the top of the construction site, with Raven chasing after him. They both exchange bullets on their way up and, by the time they reach the top, Mickie has ran out of ammo, so he hides behind a metal beam overlooking the edge. Raven reaches the edge and Mickie tries to strangle him, choking the life from him, he knocks Raven against a side rail. Raven digs deep and gets the strength to flip Mickie over his own body. There, Mickie was hanging on the edge by four fingers. Raven decides to help him up, still not being able to kill his Kingpin and Mentor. As Mickie grabs Raven’s arm, he whispers to Raven “Once a Fratesi, Always a Fratesi” then head butts Raven, thrusting himself over to his own death, falling with a smile on his face.


Raven goes to meet Pazzo at his usual hangout, the bar on the 28th floor of Pazzo’s condo. Raven walks in and pulls a chair across from Pazzo. Raven, wreaking of sadness says, “It’s over.” Pazzo doesn’t respond, he just looks out to the city’s skyline, looking to the future of This thing of Ours and what it might in store for the Gambino Brothers.


Reported by Pazzo Sangue and edited by MGK