How To Get Elected

Participate in the American Mafia democracy and write the game history and future. Participate in our elections to determine your leaders. Each state has one State Cardinal and one State Governor.


  • State Governors can exonerate people from the Federal Prison; they can use this advantage to get rewards from other Mafia Families
  • State Cardinals may send Exoneration Requests to get other people out of prison
  • The President can exonerate anyone from the Federal Prison
  • Earn Daily Wages

Selection Process

1. State Cardinals: the system will pick active citizens in a state. You can increase your odds of getting picked by exploring these features: Prayers, Confession, Charity, Donations

2. State Governors: the system will pick the most powerful people in a state (all ranks besides Citizens and Cardinals). You can increase your odds of getting picked by exploring these features: Rank, Crimes, OJBs, Prayers, Confession, Charity, Donations and many others.

3. President: the system will select the most powerful Cardinals and Governors. You should campaign in all public forums, in-game mail and anything under the sun to improve your popularity.

Cardinal Elections

Eligibility: Citizens

1. Candidates selection: Every Thursday at 8 AM.

2. Voting Starts: Every Friday at 8 AM.

3. Voting Ends: Every Saturday at 8 AM.

Wages: $250,000 Daily

State Governor Elections

Eligibility: Thugs and up

1. Candidates selection: Every Thursday at 7 AM

2. Voting Starts: Every Friday at 7 AM.

3. Voting Ends: Every Friday at 9 PM.

Wages: $3,000,000 Daily

Presidential Elections

Eligibility: State Cardinals and State Governors

1. Candidates selection: Every Monday at 8 AM.

2. Voting Starts: Every Tuesday at 8 AM.

3. Voting Ends: Every Friday at 8 AM.

Wages: $5,000,000 Daily