Genovese Down

It was dark stormy night in the American Mafia. Al Zapponi sat a table of what he thought of at the time to be his closest Allies.


“Vistory is close.” That was the theme of the latest War meeting. Al and his men; Royce, Goodfellas, Benny Noodles, and Max all raised glasse to the last statement Al said. The only problem was the Genoves leader, Saint, who recently escaped IRS Tax Evasion claims. Saint had been cooridnating attacks on the Zapponi Empire for the past few weeks with out relent. The latest victims of the conflict included Pazzo Sangue and Grim.


“Al we need to cap off this war.” Royce continued. “Someone has to go and kill Saint at his HQ in American Samoa.” The room grew silent for a bit. Everyone looked and evaluated themselves. Royce, the strongest warrior of the group, vowed not to kill again after the accidental death of Pazzo in the war.


“I’ll go.” Everyone stopped sobbing and looked at Benny Noodles. Benny was an older mobster but was the newest member to join them here at Olympus. It was surprising that he would volunteer for almost certain death.


“Then its settled,” Al continued,” Benny will go first thing tomorrow to kill Saint. Benny decided to go and get some much needed sleep. The group offered to give Benny a squad of killers, but he turned it down he sayed: I need to do this myself. And Benny was off.


The next day was an especially hard one for Benny. First off; He had to get to the Samoa undected. Every week a Genovese Helicopter would leave from Hawaii to the Samoa. These guys were the ones who told what the state of the War was. Benny got a word on where in Hawaii the Genovese Soldiers rested. Out in a open clearing stood an A-H6 heli that only had two seats; the pilot and the Co-pilot. About five soldiers were at the landing. Three where around a blacked out SUV. Benny scaned the scene for anything of use. If he had to he would take on all the men and hope for the best. He then spotted it How could these guys be so stupid he thought to himself.The black SUV was parked next to a gas canister and Benny took his chance. He pulled out his .45 and put two into the gas can. The SUV and its riders went to Hell in a petroleum handbasket. As for the Pilot and friend , they were light work for a Goodfella like Benny and his gun.


Growing up on the streets of Baltimore Benny had only Police Choppers, never had he thought he would be the one to fly one. Although it wasnt hard to get the hang of; there was an ignition and a big stick to move the craft. For the next few hours Benny had a rocky ride accross the Pacific Ocean to kill Saint Genovese. Benny could see the island where Saint rested and he could make out Saint’s mansion. It looked like one of the ones he owned out in Hollywood. Just then a beeping noise came from inside the chopper. Benny looked around and saw the chopper was running low of fuel. It didnt occur to him that the fuel tank he shot up was actually the fuel for the chopper ride home. By now the chopper was freefalling. Benny had a plan: Run the chopper into the mansion. Hopefully Saint would be killed and Benny will have paid the ulitmate sacrifice.

Benny’s plan seemed to work as he plumitted into the huge house he made sure to hit a sleeping Saint Genovese. BOOM!!! It seemed that the entire house was inflamed. When Benny awoke he saw his .45 about two-feet to the right of him. Also headed for the .45 was a badly wounded Saint in his PJ’s. Benny reached the gun first… Saint lay next to him and Benny took out one of his cigars for a smoke while the US millitary; whose base was on the other side of the island, came to the scene…

Sorry For My Long Absence,


Pazzo Sangue