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American Mafia Resident: Paulie_Gaultieri
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Rank (?): Consigliere

Family: Not in a family


State of birth:New Jersey


Wealth:Richer Than God

Status: dead - - Sleeping - - free - - Funeral - -


Family Crew:

Date Joined: 10-05-2021 3:59 pm

Last Seen: 31-08-2021 2:12 pm

Marital Status: Single

Mail: Sent 0 - Received 0 - Unread 0

Social Status: Friends 0 - Enemies 0 - Likes 0

Coat of Arms


Badges and Awards

Peter Paul "Paulie" Gualtieri, son of Gennaro Gualtieri, has been a troubled street kid in Roseville, Newark from the age of nine. He dropped out of school after the ninth grade and spent time in and out of juvenile correctional facilities during his early youth.