Game Rules

We are happy you joined the American Mafia and we hope you will have a rich gaming experience with lots of positive events.

To keep the American Mafia Game fair, we created a few rules for everybody.

A. Account Rules

  1. No duplicate accounts
  2. Only 1 Master Account per IP Address
  3. Only 1 Character Allowed per IP Address;
  4. Same Household Accounts: if multiple players play from the same household or location, you must contact us and list all the player names. Absolutely no interaction between the same household accounts or characters (no money transfers, no location sharing, no revenge killing on behalf of the other players in the household, no mugging, no co-op prison breaks, jail breaks, muggings, kidnappings, attack tests or other game features), keep the accounts or characters completely separated. You may report the character names via email to
  5. No Proxy use, Tor or online anonymizers services (any attempt to hide your IP address will get you banned)
  6. Don’t use Auto Clickers or Automated Bots to play on your behalf.

B. Content and Behavior Rules

  1. No Anti-American Content or behavior in public forums, in-game mail, or public profile.
  2. No Racism or discrimination
  3. No Porn/Sex Content or Proposals to other players (do not transmit any explicit images through our website)
  4. No Real Life Bullying (In-Character or Role-Play Bullying allowed)
  5. No Anti-Gay Content or Remarks
  6. No Advertising of other websites in Forums or Mails.
  7. Never post real-life information about other players (first name, address, phone number)
  8. Don’t post any retirement messages in the public forums if you plan on quitting the game

C. Serious Offenses

  1. Hacking, server flooding, port scanning and spamming attempts
  2. Advertising other games and/or websites
  3. Aggressive or Negative public behavior towards the and its Staff members and Administrators
  4. Attempting to sway or steal players to visit another competing game (even if it’s done indirectly or between the lines)
  5. Insinuating or convincing a player not to spend money, not to buy points, or quit playing (even when this happens outside our website via a third party chat application or messenger app)
  6. Do not modify the website code via the browser to manipulate the system in order to gain money, game XP, or other advantages.

 Punishments and Repercussions

  1. Breaking Account Rules = Warning or/and Character Death
  2. Breaking Content and Behavior Rules= Warning or/and Character Death and/or Account Ban
  3. Serious Offenses = Lifetime Ban, IP Class Banned, Character Death, Possible Legal repercussions depending on the damage created to us.

You may appeal your punishment for A and B Rules via email to, or by opening a support ticket. If your appeal is approved, in certain cases you will need to purchase the Remove Ban and Deportation item.