Tag: gambino

Carlo Gambino – The powerful Mobster Boss

Carlo is considered to be a quiet person, who always remained in control and dressed inconspicuously. Having an enigmatic smile and huge hawk nose, he has been regarded to be among the most powerful bosses till date.

His early life

It was on 24th August 1902, in Palermo, Sicily that Gambino was born. The area of his birth Caccamo was regarded to be dominated by the Mafioso, which made the police as well as the military to refrain from entering it.

His entering the Mafia world

It was his mother belonging to a Mafioso family, had introduce him as a teenager to the ‘Men of Respect’. Gambino was able to have his superiors to be impressed with his intellectual skills, ability to undertake tasks that was essential and his calm nature.

He had been rewarded in 1921 by getting inducted into the crime family that was called ‘Honored Society’. However, he along with other Mafioso in Italy and Sicily had flee to the States to escape the Mussolini’s vendetta. The freighter that he caught in late 1921 was SS Vincenzo Florio, which had docked in Virginia region of Norfolk on 23rd December 1921. He came here as an illegal immigrant, where he was met by his cousin Castellano and headed towards New York City.

Activities in the United States

He started his life in the States with illegal bootlegging that was run by Tommy Lucchese and soon joined Masseria’ s crew, who was at that point of time America’s most powerful Mafioso. With issues being created with Masseria and Salvatore Maranzano, the Castellammarese War erupted in New York between 1929-31 killing scores in the process.

The situation was rectified by Gambio, who understanding his side slowly losing the battle approached secretly Maranzano, offering his services to his gang that was agreed readily. The other partners of Gambina like Anastasia, Costello, Genovese and Luciano also joined Maranzano. Masseria was murdered by the gang on 15th April 1931. After this, Carlo Gambino was made the Mangano family’s capital, while Maranzano become ‘Boss of Bosses’. But Maranzano also was murdered after which Lucian became boss of bosses  and Gambino had become a big money maker among all Mafias in the city of New York.

With the Prohibition being repealed in the year 1933, Carlo Gambino had made sufficient money to enter into legal booze business. Over time, he possessed the biggest system of liquor distribution in America’s East Coast.

About the Gambino crime family

About the Gambino crime family

The city of New York is dominated by ‘Five Families’ of which Gambino crime family is one of them. Between the period of 1910 and 1957 saw this mafia family to be dominated under three bosses. This family had derived its name after the family boss ‘Carlo Gambino’ in 1963, during McClellan hearings. The operation of this group extended right from New York to California’s eastern seaboard. The illicit activities carried out by this group included construction and labor racketeering, loansharking, gambling, money laundering, extortion, prostitution, pier thefts, fencing, hijacking and fraud.

Its history

This mafia family was found after the 1931 Castellammarese War. It remained a minor player for majority of the quarter century in organized crime. Albert Anastasia, its underboss was among its prominent members and soon rose to become the Murder, Inc.  Enforcement arm’s operating head. Even after the smash of Murder, Inc. during the late 1940s, he still remained in power and in 1951, he took over the family after murdering Vincent Mangano, the family founder.

Its rise

It was from the year 1957 that Gambino crime family had become powerful in America for a particular period of time, after Anastasia got assassinated. According to the experts, Carlo Gambino, the underboss of Anastasia, is said to have orchestrated the assassination for becoming its leader. For controlling Cuban gambling interests, Gambino made partnership with Meyer Lansky. Through 1976, the fortunes of the family increased, as Paul Castellano brother-in-law of Gambino was appointed as boss on his death. Presently, it is Frank Cali who heads this family.

Its origins

The mafia history of Gambino crime family could be traced to Manhattan’s D’Aquila gang. An influential emigrant who had come from Palermo, Sicily named Salvatore ‘Toto’ D’Aquila had joined East Harlem’s Morello gang, who were New York’s first Italian gang.  However, with the arrest of Giuseppe Morello and Ignazio ‘Lupo-the-Wolf’, his second in command, the Morello family got weakened. It is then that D’Aquila influenced others to form his very own gang and created an influence network and connections to become New York’s powerful force.

By 1920s, Masseria took over the interest of the Morello family and amassed influence and power by the mid 1920s to rival D’Aquilas. But in late 1920s, both were said to be headed for showdown. Salvatore D’Aquila had been assassinated by Masseria on 10th October 1928, outside his home.

Federal authorities had prosecuted successfully the Gambino family from 2005-2008. Currently, the family boasts of having around 150-200 members and more than 1500 associates.

The Rise Of The Gambinos


Scarface, the RHM, and close friend of Mr_Benny_Noodles, has ended up becoming the kingpin of The Gambino Crime Empire. He learned everything he knows from his mentor Benny. Scarface was Kingpin of The Noodles Crime empire for a little while. He was gunned down by Machine Gun Kelly And Survived it to end up remaining the kingpin. Scar looks to expand and looks to make his own mark on the mafia underworld. Does Scarface have what it takes to run a crime empire? Well he has had expirence, so we think he will make a great leader of men.


The Gambino Crime Empire Is A Close Partner to The Noodles Crime Empire. They Claim to be Allied with the following factions, The Mad Angels, The Noodles Empire, The Barzini Empire, The Fratesi Empire, and The Corleone Empire.


Times are beginning to look bright with The High Council beginning to grow with new faces. With all 5 empires united and no longer fighting with each other, they look to expand the highly respected empires in which they have created. The time for growth and advancement has come.


With Scarface at the helm, the Gambino Empire is in good hands.



Long Live Gambino!!!



The Beginning of a New Era

It was two days after the murder of Royce-Gambino and an apparent Mafia summit was taking place in the ritzy Park Sheraton Hotel in New York City. Many influential leaders from the Five Families reportedly had rooms at the hotel. Delegates from the Corleone Crime Family included Boss Real-Corleone and Angel of Death. From the Fratesi Crime Family, Mickie Fratesi and Vindog. From the Calabrese Family, Frankie Calabrese Sr. and Frankie Calabrese Jr. From Bad Company/Noodles Crime Family, Benny Noodles and his advisor Frank Cali. Finally Kingpin and Boss of the Barzini Crime Family LeftyTwoGunz and his Consigliere Ric rounded out the who’s who of Mafia royalty.


The meeting took place in a private dining room in the five star steak house inside the hotel. There was a long table, enough to fit all the Mafia delegates comfortably, and LeftyTwoGunz sat at the head of the table. He had called this meeting to celebrate the victory over Royce-Gambino as well as discuss the future of the American Mafia. Small talk filled the room as the waiters bustled in and out carrying trays of food and keeping the wine glasses topped off.


After about an hour of eating, drinking and small talk, Lefty picked up a spoon and began lightly tapping his glass to get the attention of the room. The maître d approached Lefty, “Would you and your friends be needing anything else right now sir?” Lefty replied, “No thanks, please tell your staff to leave us be until further notice.” The maître d nodded and quickly gathered the waiters and rushed them out of the room. A hush now came over the room as all of the powerful Mafiosi looked in the direction of Lefty.


Lefty stood up and began talking. “First of all I’d like to thank you all for coming and say congratulations to all of us for our recent victory and getting rid of that rat Gambino.” The group of men laughed at the reference and briefly clapped to congratulate themselves. Lefty continued, “Now as you all know, to build for the future, there’s going to be some changes and I’m going to implement some new rules for this thing of ours.” Benny interjected, “What, you gonna make us stand on our heads?” The room erupted in laughter. Lefty, still laughing, replied “Only you Benny, only you.” More laughter.


Lefty raised his hands in a gesture to silence the men and took a more serious tone. “The way things were run before the High Council took over was sloppy. There was no organization, no structure, and this thing of ours thrives on those two things.” The men all nodded in approval. “So the first thing I want to do in order to make sure everyone is on the same page is let you all know what the ten guidelines of Our Thing will be.” Lefty proceeded to discuss the ten guidelines, such as respecting Omerta, not meddling in other families affairs and most importantly showing respect. When he finished outlining all ten guidelines he said, “Respect is the biggest one of them all my friends. Without respect this thing falls apart.”


Lefty’s tone then became more stern. “I’d also like to address the return of Pazzo Sangue.” The men collectively groaned at the sound of that name. Lefty understood the men’s concerns and said, “Now as you all know Pazzo has been out of the country in semi retirement since Royce had been deported.” The men still unsure about the situation continued to hear Lefty out. “Pazzo reached out to me about a return to our streets and I told him I’d bring the situation up to the High Council and family bosses.” After some discussion about the possibility of allowing Pazzo to return, the men all came to an agreement. Pazzo would be fined a considerable amount of money for all the damage he caused and men he killed. He would pay this money to Lefty and Lefty would then divide it up amongst the families. They also agreed that Pazzo should be under the supervision of one of the Five Families. Lefty chimed in, “Listen, since I’m the one in the big seat, I’ll take Pazzo in with me and keep an eye on him. If he causes any problem then we can deal with it, but if there are no issues he is to be treated as a member of my family.” The men all cautiously agreed to this plan and made a pact that they would allow Pazzo to return and prove he’s changed. They did, however, leave the option open that he be dealt with if he steps out of line. “Ok, now that we got that out of the way I want to bring something else to the table.”


Lefty then brought up his plan to ensure there will be a mutual respect amongst the families, specifically pertaining to turf. “We got five families and we got 50 states. I’m giving each family 10 states to rule over and that way everyone gets a fair slice of the pie.” The men in the room nodded approvingly, liking the idea they were hearing. “The northeast, from Delaware to Maine, will belong to me and the Barzini Family. The southeast, from West Virginia to Florida, will belong to the Bad Company or Noodles organization; whatever the name is they’re using these days.” The men all laughed loudly at Lefty’s joke. “The Calabrese Family will control pretty much the whole Central Time Zone, from Illinois down to Lousiana.” Lefty paused to take a sip of wine and then continued, “Ohio, however, will belong to the Fratesi Family, as will the Midwest, from North Dakota down through Texas, and they’ll also control Hawaii and Alaska.” Vindog chimed in, “My man Lefty! I knew you wouldn’t forget about me and Ohio.” Lefty laughed and continued, “Lastly the Corleone Family will control the West Coast, from Colorado to California.”


All the men seemed content with this split and began to small talk between each other about future business opportunities in their states. Lefty interrupted, “Now gentlemen, I’m almost done here.” Lefty picked up his wine glass and took a sip. After placing it back down he said, “With this even split amongst the families there should be no issues about money making opportunities. Each region gives all of you great opportunities to make a lot of cash. You all can make and enforce your own rules for these regions, but remember any inter-family issues should be brought to the High Council.” Lefty concluded his speech with a toast to a prosperous future, and then all the men raised their glasses and together said “Salud!”


Lefty sat back down and the men all went back to talking amongst themselves. The waiters returned to fill all the wine glasses and brought out the dessert tray for the men to enjoy. The jovial atmosphere resembled a family reunion and seemed to be a foreshadowing of the future. Eventually the men finished their food and wine and went back to their respective rooms. The foundation had now been laid for a strong future for the American Mafia. Everything seems to be flowing smoothly and heading in the right direction…for now.

Time Of Prosperity

After the massacre of the Moretti and Gambino empire there was only one other family from the alliance, Boss Mancini and the Mancini empire. After informing Royce about everything, Eric Mancini headed towards a log cabin in the middle of the woods in an Arkansas forest. Boss knows they will probably come for him so he has his typewriter ready, suddenly two blacked out SUVs pull up to the cabin. The Yankee steps out of one with his Tommy Gun in his hand, “OK Boss come out you’re surrounded Chapo is on his way here soon but I think I can finish you myself” Paulie said with a smug look on his face.

Paulie and his men unloaded with their guns into the cabin until they had to reload. After reloading Yankee took one step forward and was hit in the arm with a bullet from Bosses pistol, he was saving his Tommy Gun for the end. As Chapo Guzman was pulling up he saw Yankee being tended to, “Did you get him?” Chapo asked, “No he is still in there I don’t know where his vantage point is, but he’s got a pretty good shot if you step over that line one of my guys drew in the dirt over there.”

Chapo was quiet until finally he looks at Yankee and said “Nonsense I’m El Chapo I know he will die by my hand” then he walks over to the house and as soon as he steps over the line two gunshots are fired and Chapo is on the ground. As his men drag him away he is shot twice in the stomach, his condition is critical, and he needs to get to the hospital before he bleeds out. As Chapo is leaving Michael Massino aka the Angel Of Death is pulling up, as he slams his door he walks over to the Yankee,furious,”Is he dead yet” Angel yells “No I got hit, then Chapo came and he got hit and had to go to the hospital” Yankee told Angel “Wow what an embarrassment to the Corleone name you are supposed to be the leader of the Corleone empire and you can’t kill one man in a-” As he was saying Boss kicks open the door, Tommy Gun in hand shooting all over, killing Yankees bodyguards standing in front of him while he runs for cover. Angel stands his ground, taking out his Tommy and unloads into Boss. As Boss is laying on the ground dead Angel doesn’t say a word to Yankee, gets in his car and speeds off.

After the death of Boss Mancini, Mickie Fratesi calls a meeting with the heads pf the other families and the Dons that are about to have their family and discuss the future of the mafia and the new rules. After that he announces the new Dons and congratulates them on their loyalty and the meeting is adjourned. As he lights up a cigarette in his Mansion in Hollywood he is thinking on the system and what is to come in this thing of ours.


Written by Anonymous  

Fratesi vs Gambino

Synite and Raven meet in the back of the Gambino Owned Bar in New Jersey to discuss a solution to the ongoing Mob War. “When you sign here, all of the remaining Cartel will convert to Gambino.” Raven remarks with a greedy little smile. Synite, seeing no other option signs the paper. Raven then dismisses Synite and leans back in his leather chair to enjoy a Cuban Cigar. Minutes later Bugsy, his Under Boss, comes in and says,”Mickie’s on the phone Boss.” Raven’s calm statute died out when he heard who was on the other line. “Raven, why,” Mickie says in a to calm voice, “Mickie I was defending Al just like you would have.” Raven replies for his life.


“Raven, now we must engage in combat”


“I’m keeping a promise to James Burke that I wouldn’t fight either of you.”


“Then it appears you will die, with out fighting, So be it.”


Mickie was truly the last person to hear of the War that brought the Commission to it’s knees, because he was in The Old Country visiting his dying mother, and he gave the order not to be called under any circumstances… Raven went into a panic mode. He packed his things and boarded the next flight to New York City. At his home in Long Island’s East Egg, he found Pazzo waiting inside for him. “You gotta get out of here Pazzo, Mickie found out what we did and he is coming to fight me.” Raven says, still in a state of horror. Pazzo puts his hand on his shoulder, shaking him, “You need to calm down, if you just fight back, you might just have a chance to kill him, but if you just sit here or run away you’ll never win.” Pazzo then briskly walks away exiting the house giving his boss some time to reflect about his next move. Then Raven’s phone rings,”Raven let’s get this over with, tell me where to go.” It was Mickie on the line! “Well Mickie I say we go to the construction site on West 23rd St.” There’s a bit of a pause and then Mickie says, “don’t be late to your own funeral.”


Raven loads his army of bodyguards into unmarked black Cadillacs and heads to the site. When he gets there he sees Mickie, Tommy Gun in hand, behind him was an army of bigger and better bodyguards. Raven says a slight prayer at the site of his enemy. Raven and his protection pull up and take position aimed straight at Mickie. Just as the battle looked as if it were to start Mickie gives the order for his guys to go home. “Raven let’s do this, man to man.” Raven does the same to his men. Now the two stood there breathing in the cool air filled with tension, worse than the pollution filled city. Just then Mickie started to unload with his Tommy Gun. On instinct, Raven also shoots, they both make their way to cover. The bullets stop, Mickie makes a run for the for the stairway leading to the top of the construction site, with Raven chasing after him. They both exchange bullets on their way up and, by the time they reach the top, Mickie has ran out of ammo, so he hides behind a metal beam overlooking the edge. Raven reaches the edge and Mickie tries to strangle him, choking the life from him, he knocks Raven against a side rail. Raven digs deep and gets the strength to flip Mickie over his own body. There, Mickie was hanging on the edge by four fingers. Raven decides to help him up, still not being able to kill his Kingpin and Mentor. As Mickie grabs Raven’s arm, he whispers to Raven “Once a Fratesi, Always a Fratesi” then head butts Raven, thrusting himself over to his own death, falling with a smile on his face.


Raven goes to meet Pazzo at his usual hangout, the bar on the 28th floor of Pazzo’s condo. Raven walks in and pulls a chair across from Pazzo. Raven, wreaking of sadness says, “It’s over.” Pazzo doesn’t respond, he just looks out to the city’s skyline, looking to the future of This thing of Ours and what it might in store for the Gambino Brothers.


Reported by Pazzo Sangue and edited by MGK

The Mysterious Midnight Murder

Hello American Mafia Residents. I am the new AM Times writer, and I look forward to bringing you all the most recent and interesting news.

So without further ado, Let’s get started…

Early on Friday morning, a very well known American Mafia resident, Al___Gambino, was killed, for reasons not clarified by his killer, GrimReaper. Nicodemo_Scarfo told me that Mr. Gambino was suspected to have been making a secret empire, whether or not that is true is unclear to me, for no sources have confirmed the claim.

I got to sit down with a couple of Al’s good friends, and ask them what they thought about Al and his murder. One of his friends, littleShooter- had this to say about him,

“His murder was of no question, stupid. A great man died for what the whole game is doing [duping]. My feelings are very sad as he taught me a lot in this game. Al’s legacy will not fall over something so stupid and the fact he died a boss and not CDTC is just flat out intolerable.”

These actions, made by Grimreaper, are viewed differently across the country. Some say what he did was right, and some think on the contrary. Another one of Al’s friends, Dublinassassin, sat down with me and talked to me about Al.

“Well i just gotta say he is a good friend of mine and it was an honor to rank up next to him, yeah we were raking together u see i reached CDTC 1 day after him but oh well what can i say… RIP my brother and like Grim said, business is business there is nothing i can do about it, these things happen very often. I’m very thankful with Al for all the help he gave me anyways, i really hope he stays he is good friend to work with, and well about Grim, he knows what he is doing but still even when i desagree that he demoted him. Anyways, RIP my bro Al.”

Both of these interviewees seem to disagree with Grimreaper’s decision to demote Al. And so do I. It seems very disrespectful, and also as a punch to the gut. I had to dig deeper into the reasoning for it. However, while trying to perform my interview with Grimreaper, he refused to comment about the demotion of Al. So one can only ponder what the reasoning behind it was. Grimreaper was very

Defensive when I asked him about it.

So many questions surround this “Midnight Murder”, but no answers seem to be arising as to the reasoning for the killing or demotion of a CDTC. I suppose there is only one thing left to say,

Rest in Peace Al Gambino. You will be missed. May your name live on.

Next story will be coming next week. Thank you for reading.

Proud American Mafia Editor