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American Mafia Resident: Jose_Gonzalez
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Rank (?): Capo

Family: Not in a family


State of birth:Rhode Island


Wealth:Richer Than God

Status: dead - - Sleeping - - free - - Funeral - -


Family Crew:

Date Joined: 14-08-2018 02:51 am

Last Seen: 23-09-2018 04:59 am

Marital Status: Single

Mail: Sent 0 - Received 0 - Unread 0

Social Status: Friends 0 - Enemies 0 - Likes 0

Coat of Arms


Badges and Awards

Jose Gacha Gonzalez escpaed Colombia during the Escobar Era, beleived to be in the Greater New England Area, last person seen with DaddiTrump before Trumps disappearance. Wanted in Several States