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American Mafia Resident: Don_Albert
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Rank (?): Earner

Family: Not in a family


State of birth:Massachusetts


Wealth:Richer Than God

Status: dead - - Sleeping - - free - - Funeral - -


Family Crew:

Date Joined: 10-12-2017 00:53 am

Last Seen: 18-04-2018 7:33 pm

Marital Status: Single

Mail: Sent 0 - Received 0 - Unread 0

Social Status: Friends 0 - Enemies 0 - Likes 0

Coat of Arms


Badges and Awards

Donald Walter Albert was born in Boston Massachussets, his father was a hit man for a crime Family in Boston, and his mother was an assasin for the same family, so Don was born into crime and learned his trade from the Mobsters he grew up around, becoming a Car thief, Burgler, and weapons specialist after serving in the Military during world war 2. The training he had in the Military turned him into a dangerous shot and a fine hit man. He is noted for his loyalty, courage, and determination. His old family died out during the Second World War, so he went on his own stealing cars, doing hits and many other crimes.

Mr. Cold Heart Conner, Died on February 16th, he may have been 'Cold Heart Conner', but he was a heckuva a man, he was fiercly Loyal to his family and his friends. May God be with him.