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American Mafia Resident: Tommy_Shelby
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Rank (?): American Mafia Legend

Family: Not in a family


State of birth:The Bahamas


Wealth:Richer Than God

Status: dead - - Sleeping - - free - - Funeral - -


Family Crew:

Date Joined: 27-01-2015 1:40 pm

Last Seen: 08-03-2015 08:20 am

Marital Status: Single

Mail: Sent 0 - Received 0 - Unread 0

Social Status: Friends 0 - Enemies 0 - Likes 0

Coat of Arms


Well you know it is me lads so I will leave the door open...

Not plotting Anything just chillin but if your going to kill me please do it while I am online so I can start a new character faster.

Graphic's Shop Status-OverBooked, any request will go on back order

Former Accounts :BlooddevilCapitalXCapital_XMr_XDaniel_Ocean,Immortal_X,Mr-X,Mr_Ocean, CapitaI_X-MrX-Mr_Ryan,@Helpdesk,Commander_X,Mr_Blood,@Moderator , Mr-Anonymous


Families I Have Been In and or Been The Boss of-I may have forgotten a few

For Kalina-