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American Mafia Resident: Chapo_Guzman
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Rank (?): American Mafia Legend

Family: Not in a family


State of birth:Oklahoma



Status: dead - - Sleeping - - free - - Funeral - -


Family Crew:

Date Joined: 11-05-2012 7:56 pm

Last Seen: 14-06-2015 11:27 am

Marital Status: Single

Mail: Sent 0 - Received 0 - Unread 0

Social Status: Friends 0 - Enemies 0 - Likes 0

Coat of Arms






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 (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ Whatever we choose, we decide our faith ☜(゚ヮ゚☜)  















I am no hero, never was, never will be.

I'm just an old killer, hired to do some wet work.











First they ignore youThen they laugh at youThen they fight
youThen you win.



"We came, we saw, we conquered."






Don't start **** you can't handle.

War comes with a price:




















What is The League of Shadows? We are:







Look how cute, they hold hands even after death. (:



 What's a legend to a God you ask?

What's God to those who don't exist? (;

And you....