Ivan-Block Found Dead


Breaking news America!!!. FBI & Local police have discovered the corpse of Ivan-Block, Police say the man was dug up by a construction crew who were building a new housing development.


The Feds have but one lead. Sad to say this one lead is just “here say”. The informant told police that Scarface and Ivan was having a dispute earlier, with both sides saying awful things to one another. Blows were dealt, and respect was tossed out the window.


Scarface had left the bar, leaving Ivan to sit and cry like he always does. Ivan sat and drowned his sorrows in a bottle, When all of a sudden the door to the bar swings open!!!… Scarface storms into the bar with his gun in hand. Ivan was passed out at the bar from drunkenness, Long nights of bootlegging left Ivan A Drunk!!!…


Scarface Comes up from behind Ivan, he grabs the drunk, and slams him to the floor in a backward motion. As Ivan Fell backwards he woke up, to only get knocked back out instantly. Painting the floor red with his blood, Scarface beats Ivan repeatedly with his pistol. As Scarface is blinded by his rage he goes blood drunk losing his mind. Mr Benny Who had been warned of the hit only moments before. Benny is on the scene but its to late.
Benny pulls His RHM off of Ivan and calms scar down.

The two men look at Ivan and they each grab an arm and a leg and they drag him out the back door to eventually put him in the back of a Uhaul.


As Benny & Scar Drive along they end up in the mountains where they bury the old timer.
When the two men return home to Maryland where they begin to hose down the Uhaul, cleaning up the evidence to return back to the Uhaul Company. Benny was complaining the whole time saying that if they don’t get the uhaul back by 5 pm it will cost an extra 19.95 and it will be coming out of Scarfaces pocket.


The FBI of course only has this info to go on. And it isn’t enough to convict the two men. Due to the lack of evidence the two men have gotten away with murder. Was this an accident? I guess those three men would be the only ones who know that answer.


Until next time America, Stay Safe.