VIP Package includes:
VIP sign next to their name, Reserved Name

Purchase the American Mafia Life Insurance to secure all your money in case you die. Your money will be transferred to the new Character after your...

Your name and character name will be featured on the home page of the AmericanMafia.org including a full story about your character.

The American Mafia Legend is the top rank.
Before buying this, make sure your account is at least 30 days old
-reach the National Crime...

You can purchase this item if you have been deported, or banned from the American Mafia. This will enable you to remove an administrative ban and l...

This item will give you the ability to update the "Date Joined" field in your current Character. The "Date Joined" value is a crucial factor in you...

The Bill of Rights was
Add Crew Name to Profile
AM $25
AM $25 | Review(s):
Add your a Crew name in your profile.

Are you worried about what can happen to you after you go to sleep or logout? Activating this item will enable you to receive email notifications a...

Purchase this item to Change your State of Birth. This will also relocate your existing Family to your state.
You can purchase the ite...

You are fnally playing with the big boys at a very large scale. You can own your own satellite and you can use it to increase your own knowle...

Ivy Mike is the codename given to the first full-scale test of a thermonuclear device, in which part of the explosive yield comes from nuclear fusion....