New York’s Murder Inc associated with the Commission?

In recent weeks, since the arrival of The Olympians soon turned Commission, we have seen the DeMeo Escalation and Corleone-Commission War. It became clear that some favors had to be called in, soon it turned into one after another, associates bodies had dropped and Vito seemed ready to continue his path of destruction.

Yet, New York’s leader of Murder Inc had arrived and decided to end the Godfather of the Corleone Family at the time. It took no time at all but then it seemed easy enough and that was it, no questions were asked as Vito was felled by Royce Gambino but yet with recent events, the question has to be asked.

Is Royce Gambino allied with The Commission or at the maximum, associated with the Commission? Noticing how they are changing things and wishing for a better world, the old-timer could be seeing something in himself in them. Noticing the way they are both with ease bring something into the world instead of out…

There is more on this story as you continue but ladies and gentlemen could it possible? Is Royce Gambino allied with The Commission and how far do you think this alliance goes?

– Heather Polstern, Reporter for the AM Times.